Tag Archives: 2010 World Cup!

World Cup Fevah!

Sooo we’ve been watching a lot of soccer football this week. Just like 6 billion other people.

Because we’re original like that.

In fact, we just watched the Ghana v. Australia game on our local Hispanic channel Univision.  It’s muy bueno because as you know I am rather fond of The Spanish, and I’m actually fluent in Spanglish. Which means I understand phrases like “arriba!,” “claro!,” “bueno,” and “Gooooaallllllll!!!”  I often repeat the announcer’s words every chance I can, which means my accent tends to have an overly excited machismo slant.  And that’s just the kind of accent that Somanna has always wanted to hear whisper sweet nothings into his ear. His swatting me away love taps with his hand only confirms it.

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Filed under Africa!, Cultural Confusion, GOALS! Soccer and otherwise, Hippie Dippie, Mi Casa, the drama queen

It’s Time For Africa!

Image courtesy of FIFA.

Let us Jabulani!!

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Filed under Africa!, Football, GOALS! Soccer and otherwise