Tag Archives: Toyota Land Cruiser

Day 5: What’s My Dream Car?

The hardest question for me to answer.  There is never one solid answer.  It will vary depending on my mood, a price range, location, practicality, the weather, and did I mention my mood?  So if you were to ask me this question today, and then ask me again in a few days, chances are the answers will be different.  Oh, and by car I don’t mean a sedan.  It could be a truck, car, SUV, and yes, sometimes a van.

But then sometimes I’ll come across one vehicle that speaks, and pulls ever so hard at my heart, that I know immediately that this is the one.  And that how can anything else compare?  This right here is what I will have.  It’s what I should wish for.  It’s what I want.  Ladies and gentlemen, here it is:

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