Daily Archives: June 10, 2010

El Rodeo

No, I’m not talking about our local Mexican restaurant, but about the rodeo that happens here in Raleigh every Tuesday. Yes, we do live in suburbia, but just a few miles away Carousel Farms runs a rodeo every week at 7.30pm, from May through September.  And it’s just $7.  $7 for some good ol country fun. Yee haw!

I first heard about the rodeo through some of my flickr peeps, who I met up with. I actually didn’t feel as out-of-place as I originally thought I would. The crowd was pretty diverse, so my brown skin didn’t seem to stand out as much.  However, being that tall, dorky looking guy with a big ol black camera around his neck certainly did get me some looks!

So what happens at a rodeo exactly?  Yea, I had no idea either. Unfortunately, I missed the starting ceremonies, which is basically a parade by the Flag girls. On the Tuesday that I went they were going to do a tribute for Memorial day. After their parade though is when the bull riding starts…

Now you don’t have to sit on the benches to watch the action, you can get right up to the fence/gate to get a great view… a view like this:
He still held on...

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Filed under photos, Raleigh, Summer Time!, Uncategorized